About me
I started cooking at an early age and very passionate about Indian & other international cuisines. I like to travel logging about food. I also conduct cooking sessions for cooking enthusiasts.
Indian Cuisine:
The Indian cuisine is one of the most diverse among the world. What makes it unique is the combination of rich spices and various cooking techniques that gives a key to anybody’s heart. The cuisine of each region includes a wide variety of dishes and cooking techniques reflecting ethnically diverse Indian subcontinent. India’s culture and religious beliefs have played a big role in the evolution of its cuisine.
A spicy Indian curry doesn’t have to be ‘HOT’. It’s a nice blend of aromatic spices and cooking methods that make up the most part of its character. Of course, there are spicy ‘HOT’ dishes as well for the brave hearts .
Ayurveda, one of the ancient medical systems, advocates that the food we eat is as important as medicine. That’s why you see many Traditional Indian meals have right balance of herbs & spices together with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber.
Views: 628
Love your blog!! Am going to be a regular visitor now…..awesome recipes too!!
I will try out Cucumber Kootu (Cucumber Lentils Curry) this weekend. I find the pictures on your site really cool and attracting…
sri..i want the pongal food….haven’t had good Indian food in a while….:-(
i am trying to start a new business, so i am searching to prepare jellymittai, thanks, i get some ideas from your blog. anyway thank u so much once more……………..
Saw your blog, very interesting. My son loves jujips, Got the recipe from your blog. Thanks..
Please do visit my blog when you get time.
Thanks everyone for your nice words about my blog.
Hi Sridevi,
Such a wonderful platter… I still cherish the food Keshav used to bring to office for Breakfast…
I wish i could be your Apprentice…
Hey Sridevi,
Amazing. Love ur blog. Can you post more baby foods and tips i m a new mom 🙂
Love your informative blogsite especially cake and cookies. Do visit my following blog : http://wowyummy.wordpress.com/
I am learning and also beginner to learn making cakes on my own with the help of blogsites and via google.
Thanks for sharing your recipes and I will definitely try some of them.
All the Best
i love your website.. you have wonderful information. I was searching for tom and jerry cake when I came across your website.
Can you please share the details of how you made the Tom and Jerry Cake. I have one to make for my friends little girls birthday party. And its for 40 ppl.. How did you make a big cake.
This is my first time. Can you please share your tips. It would of great help..
Thank you
Hi Shika,
Regarding the size of the cake, if you have rectangular or square pan it is easy to increase the size and width of the cake. Just bake many batches using the same pan size and then assembke the cake using using buttercream in betweenn and stack them according to your desired height and width of the cake. I baked 6 batches of rectangular size and stacked them as 2 Columns and 3 Rows. Just be sure that all the batches are of same size otherwise it might be uneven when assembling.
For the icing, i took a print of Tom & Jerry picture and layed them under butter sheet or parchement paper which is transparent just like a stencil .Keep this on a portable board and put celafon rape on the sides.
Fill inthe icing in piping bag.Now draw the outline with buttercream icing using a dark color. Later fill in the icing
of inside with different colors. Once finished deep freeze the board for atleast 2 hours.
Once the final cake is ready with icing, take the frozen icing and invert it on cake. Just remember to invert the picture before you start drawing.
All the best for your baking and do let me know how did it turn out.
Enjoy cooking and baking!
Hi Sridevi,
Your blog is awesome and so is your cooking talent. Keep going !!
Best Wishes,