My Kitchen Garden Journey..
Hi Everyone, Hope you all doing good 🙂 It’s come back after some months as I left this blog space for a good amount of break time. My last post was about Garden to table series and I took it seriously this year as well and was spending most...
I am turning 7, Whoof Whoof…
 Everyone enjoys celebrating Birthdays. Pet is also one of the family members, so why not the special day be different and enjoyable. We celebrated MAX’s Birthday with our family yesterday. Though he can’t realize what it is like, hope he had a feeling that it is not yet...
Scooby Cake on his B’Day
Yesterday we celebrated MAX‘s Birthday and he is 6 years old now. Every B’ day, I bake a normal plain cake, and this time, we planned to make a special Scooby cake for him. My daughter was so excited about helping me to make Scooby cake for him. These...
Oats Porridge
Ingredients : Oats – 1 cup Milk – 2 1/2cups Sugar – 5 Tsp salt a pinch Dry grapes – 1/4 cup Method: 1. Add milk and oats to a bowl and let it cook for 10 minutes in medium heat. 2. Add sugar and grapes. Serve it warm...
Kozhi Sukka (Chicken deep pan fry)
work in progress… Ingredients Method Views: 192...