Happy New Year 2014 / Special cakes of 2013

It’s been quite some time since I blogged. How have you all been? ..  New year is on its way and I wish all my friends and viewers a very happy new year 2014.

In this post, I would like to share pictures of celebration cakes, which we enjoyed and experimented in 2013. I do say experiment, as I tried out some new cakes. Riya’s contribution is there in all of these cakes. Especially, her Birthday cake was planned and designed by her with a little help from me. The specification given to me was a, 2 stack chocolate cake with Marshmallow toppings with Dolphin and sea animals figurines. Actually, she opted to do this cake as her Birthday present and we did the baking and decoration from scratch the whole day. I can see the love and passion in her for cooking already. The previous day of her birthday is our wedding anniversary and I planned to make Carrot cinnamon cake, which came out too well. Lots of shredded carrot, mild sweetness, and a bit of cinnamon flavoring, it was just perfect for the occasion.

Carrot & Butter cream iced cake( Wedding Anniversary cake)

Riya’s Dolphin and Aquarium cake.

Chocolate cupcake and lemon buttercream icing  for Riya’s school friends.

We celebrated Kesav’s Birthday with a special cake. I tried Japanese cotton soft sponge cheese cake this time. It tastes and feels just like its name – super soft and melt in mouth. This time one thing  was sure that  I didn’t wanted to be in the kitchen on the special day baking without having time to spend in other activities.

So, I planned and prepared the cake couple of days before. Prepared jelly with readymade jello mix.  After baking and feeling the texture of the cake, I immediately felt like trying it out. It was super soft and super delicious. The first two cakes we enjoyed even before the birthday.

Again, I  had to bake the same cake but it was fun and I could experiment and make slight changes and adjust proportions.

Japanese  cotton soft sponge cake with jelly fruit topping for Kesav’s Birthday.

Japanese cotton soft sponge cake.

Riya made these mini square cakes, decorated wonderfully and presented this beautiful jelly fruit cake to her dad.

Mini square cake’s specially made for her Dada by Riya.

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