Mushroom & Chicken gravy, flavored with Herbs


  1. Oil – 2 Tsp
  2. Fresh Corriander & Mint  leaves- 2 Tsp powdered in a mixer
  3. Onion – 1 small roughly chopped
  4. Tomato – 2 medium cut into pieces
  5. Green chilies – 2 nos
  6. Fresh cooking cream – 50 gms
  7. Salt for taste
  8. Small Button Mushroom – 100 gms
  9. Chicken Breast- 250 gms cut into small pieces to the size of the mushroom


1. Heat the pan and add 1Tsp  oil. Fry the onions till golden brown color.

2. Add green chilies and tomatoes and saute it till tomatoes are cooked well.

3. In a mixer grind this into a fine paste and keep it aside.

4. For the gravy, heat the pan and add oil. Add the coriander and mint powder and fry for a minute.

5. Now add chicken & salt and stir for 5 min, till chicken is cooked. ( chicken cut into thin strips will take less than 5 minutes to cook)

6. Add the ground paste and add 1/2 cup of water. Cook it for 10minutes.

7. Now add the mushrooms. Add the fresh cream and let it cook for another 5 minutes.

Tip: Mushroom takes less time to cook. This gravy is a good combination with Rice. You can also serve it with Indian Bread. 

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